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Saturday, March 5, 2011

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 weeks and 0 days

Baby’s Size: 12 inches

Baby’s Weight: 1 1/3 pounds

Development: Baby is busy putting on weight and developing his lungs. He has a great sense of hearing and balance, so he can sense my movement as well as tell if he is upside-down or right-side-up. I sometimes worry if he gets stressed by my stress level and grouchy tone I have had in my classroom lately.

Weight gain/loss: I gained 1 pound this week. Up 19 pounds overall.

Maternity clothes? They are starting to fit pretty well now. And I bought the most comfortable yoga pants at Kohl's. I will be living in those when I'm on maternity leave.

Best moment this week? My husband put his head ear up to my belly and the baby kicked him in the head HARD!

Symptoms: Stuffy nose & congestion, nosebleeds, entire back pain, daily baby kicks, frequent urination

Food cravings/aversions: I'm loving fruit lately, but hating vegetables. Even as I type this, I'm starting to crave an orange.

What I'm looking forward to: Maternity leave...but it's almost 3 months away...*sigh*

Milestones: I've reached "Viability Day," which means my baby basically has a 50/50 chance of survival if something happened and he needed to be delivered today. His chance of survival goes up to 90% if he makes it to 27 weeks! Grow, baby, grow!

What my baby and I look like this week:


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