I've taken enough psychology courses in my life to understand that constantly thinking about certain symptoms will actually cause those symptoms to appear. The strange thing is, I completely forget I'm TTC (trying to conceive) until a new symptom makes its debut. Then I Google it, and lo and behold, it's a symptom of early pregnancy.
Today at 1:45pm, I was sitting at the computer when a dull ache began to spread across my stomach. I was hungry, so I didn't think much of it. After I got home from work and ate, however, the pain progressed into what felt like pre-period cramps. Nothing excruciating, just sort of a dull, bloated pain, mostly in the left side of my stomach.
I've also noticed that I'm eating a lot. Not a large quantity...just a lot of little amounts of different things. Usually, when I'm craving cookies, for example, it's not a pretty sight. I will down half the package in one sitting. Today, I ate 2 Chips Ahoy and then I was over it. I was satisfied, but then I moved on to eating an apple. Now as I'm typing this, I'm craving cookies again...what the hell??